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Research Networking Conference for Tourism and Hospitality

A conference with or without presentations in a multicultural environment

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The enormous increase in the number of disasters and crises affecting the tourism industry globally has highlighted the significance of resilience building in the tourism industry. While tourism has been one of the fastest growing sectors of the economy in recent decades, it is likely to be one of the sectors worst impacted during a crisis.

In response to the growing significance of the resilience and sustainability of tourism destinations, 2023 Tourism Research Network Conference is focused on shaping the ‘Destination Resilience and Sustainable Tourism Development’, with an emphasis on the role of research and practice in generating constructive discussion designed to position Tourism, Hospitality and Events sectors as agents of future sustainable development.

The Tourism Research Network Conference Scientific Committee welcomes research papers and ideas on a wide range of topics. The conference brings together scholars, researchers, and professionals to stimulate discussions, exchange knowledge, and establish new international collaborations concerning but not limited to questions addressing the conference theme.

Conference themes:


  • Destination Resilience and Sustainable Tourism Development
  • Resilience issues for tourism systems following crises and disasters
  • Crisis management and resilience
  • Sustainable tourism and the SDGs
  • Pandemics and tourism recovery
  • Tourism uncertainties, conflicts, sanctions, and peace
  • Climate change, mitigation and adaptation
  • Tourism and biodiversity
  • Tourism marketing and destination image
  • Diaspora tourism and homeland attachment
  • Tourists’ behaviour change
  • Digital transformation, virtual tourism, and technology
  • Local communities, culture and heritage
  • Inclusive and equitable approaches in tourism
  • Tourism policy and planning
  • Events, Festivals and MICE
  • Strategic management in hospitality
  • The sharing economy and tourism


The conference also offers you new opportunities to build research networks and develop your ideas in a truly multicultural and supporting environment. Therefore, even if you do not have a research paper to present, this conference is also for you. Submit your idea mentioning that you wish to participate in research networking sessions, and we will set up a research team to work with you during the conference with the support of mentors and other peers in your group.


Submission guidelines and procedures
Your paper should be identified clearly as a Regular Research paper or an Idea Development paper. If your paper is accepted, at least one author must register and attend the conference to present the paper.

Conference Design


Ideas authors are invited to present a brief overview of their project, questions, and methods. Teams will be formed according to the interests of participants, in order to guarantee complementarity of the expertise of the team members. The teams will develop their pitch with the mentorship of other scholars who will contribute to the proposal. Teams with the best proposals will be invited to submit their project to the special issues and books associate with this conference. All proposals will be assessed by an evaluation panel. This conference format provides an excellent opportunity to:

  • Enhance your research and publication skills and capabilities through peer-learning and mentorship;
  • Foster new and/or enrich existing collaborations by networking and collaborate with others researchers;
  • Potentially achieve a publication by sharing work with others;
  • Promote your skills and knowledge in the tourism community;
  • Develop and enhance your self-confidence and skills in working with others and debating your project with a panel of experts;
  • Meet journal editors and other editorial board members and learn more about the evaluation and review process of manuscripts.

How does it work?
  • Submit your ideas in advance
  • Meet other colleagues from around the world, work with them and develop your abstract
  • Editors provide comments and identify the potentials for publication.
  • Go home and keep in touch with team members.
  • Work on the paper with the team and submit to the journal or book of your choice.

IDEAS Network submissions here


Submit your abstract for assessment. Authors of quality abstracts will be invited to present their papers in concurrent sessions. Paper presentation sessions will constitute the bulk of the conference program. But because the next item is unique to this conference, note the following points, just in case you want to submit an “idea”.  
How does it work?
  • Submit your Abstract (max 400 words) for evaluation by the scientific committee;
  • Submissions go through a double-blind peer-revision process. The commission adheres to the strictest evaluation standards for quality, relevance and authenticity;
  • Present your paper at the conference;
  • Editors provide comments and identify the potentials for publication;
  • Go home and keep working on your paper;
  • Submit your paper to the journal autonomously.

Papers submissions here .

Publication Options for the Best Papers


  • Anatolia – An International Journal of Tourism and Hospitality Research
  • The Service Industries Journal
  • Frontiers in Sustainable Tourism
  • Worldwide Hospitality and Tourism Themes (WHATT)
  • International Journal Film and Media Arts
  • Asia-Pacific Journal of Innovation in Hospitality and Tourism (APJIHT)
  • One or two books published by Emerald in its Bridging Tourism Theory and Practice

Many reasons to attend…


  • Network with a broad range of researchers in tourism community globally.
  • Pair up students and Early Career Researchers (ECR) with tourism experts, providing active and ongoing mentorship regarding professional directions and career path.
  • Build international collaborations.
  • Meet researchers with expertise in theory building, research methodology, data analysis, and academic writing.
  • Potentially achieve a paper publication in top journals in Tourism, Hospitality or Events

Important dates to keep in mind…

Deadline for extended abstract / idea submission
30 July 2023

Start of early bird registration
15 August 2023

Announcement of abstract / idea acceptance
15 August 2023

Deadline for full registration
15 September 2023

Conference Date
22 – 26 November 2023

Conference Location






Metin Kozak (metin.kozak@khas.edu.tr)

Antónia Correia (acorreia@ualg.pt)


Fee (Regular participation)

  • Closing Dinner
  • Lunches and Coffee Breaks
  • Conference Materials

Fee (Regular participation + Tour):

  • Closing Dinner
  • Lunches and Coffee Breaks
  • Conference Materials
  • Field trip / City Tour

Fee (Students)

  • Closing Dinner
  • Lunches and Coffee Breaks
  • Conference Materials

To submit regular papers or ideas, please contact:  resnet.conference@gmail.com

For registration, transfers and accommodation, please contact: to be announced soon

Submissions (Template Download)

Organising committe

Conference Co-Chairs

Kozak, Metin- Kadir Has University, Türkiye
Correia, Antonia- CEFAGE, University of Algarve, Portugal
Jafari, Jafar- University of Wisconsin-Stout, USA


Conference Organising Committee

Correia, Pedro- University of Algarve, Portugal
Rastegar, Raymond – University of Queensland, Australia
Rasoolimanesh, S. Mostafa – Taylor’s University, Malaysia
Seyfi, Siamak- University of Oulu, Finland
Lopes, Angela – University of Algarve, KIPT, Portugal
Şanlıöz-Özgen, Hanım- Kader- Özyeğin University, Türkiye
Portugal, João Pedro- CEFAGE, University of Algarve, KIPT, Portugal
Lopes, José Dias-ISEG, KIPT, Portugal
Sharifi, Mohammad- Art University of Isfahan, Iran
Baş, Özen- Kadir Has University, Türkiye
Uşaklı, Ahmet- Boğaziçi University, Türkiye


Scientific Committee:

Afifi, Galal M.H.- Sultan Qaboos University, Oman
Aktaş, Gürhan- Dokuz Eylül University, Türkiye
Altinay, Levent- Oxford Brookes University, UK
Andraz, Jorge- University of Algarve, CEFAGE, Portugal
Andreu, Luisa- University of Valencia, Spain
Artal-Tur, Andres- Technical University of Cartagena, Spain
Bagheri, Moslem- University of Shiraz, Iran
Batra, Adarsh- Assumption University, Thailand
Binaloud, Farid – Javaherzadeh- University of Mashhad, Iran
Camilleri, Mark Anthony- University of Malta, Malta
Carvalho, Fatima Lampreia- University of Algarve, Cinturs, Portugal
Choi, Hwan-Suk (Chris)- University of Guelph, Canada
Cohen, Scott- University of Surrey, UK
Corak, Sandra- Institute for Tourism, Croatia
Coudounaris, Dafnis N. – University of Tartu, Estonia
Decrop, Alain- University of Namur, Belgium
Del Chiappa, Giacomo- University of Sassari, Italy
Denizci-Guillet, Basak, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, SAR China
Dolnicar, Sara- University of Queensland, Australia
Dwyer, Larry- University of New South Wales, Australia
Erkuş, Hilal- Akdeniz University, Türkiye
Fernandes, Sílvia da Conceição Pinto de Brito- University of Algarve, Cinturs, Portugal
Fesenmaier, Daniel R.- University of Florida, USA
Fragoso, Rui- University of Évora, CEFAGE
Frochot, Isabelle- University of Savoie, France
Fyall, Alan- University of Central Florida, USA
‪Ghasemi, Moslem- Kharazmi University, Iran
Gonçalves, Alexandra Rodrigues- University of Algarve, CinTurs, Portugal
Gretzel, Ulrike- University of Queensland, Australia
Gyimothy, Szilvia – University of Lund, Sweden
Haukeland, Jan Vidar- Institute of Transport Economics, Norway
Heydari, Rahim- University of Tabriz, Iran
Hoogendoorn, Gijsbert- University of Johannesburg, South Africa
Huan, Tzung-Cheng – National Chiayi University, Taiwan
Ivanov, Stanislav- Varna University of Management, Bulgaria
Jang, SooCheong (Shawn)- Purdue University, USA
Jo, WooMi- University of Guelph, Canada
Juaneda, Catalina- University of Balearic Islands, Spain
Khalilzadeh, Jalayer- East Carolina University, USA
Khodadadi, Masood- Glasgow Caledonian University, UK
Kim, Aise- University of South Australia, Australia
Korstanje, Maximiliano E.- University of Palermo, Argentina
Kucukusta, Deniz- Hong Kong Polytechnic University, SAR China
Kuhzady ,Salar- University of Kurdistan, Iran
Lee, Woojin- Arizona State University, USA
Marzuki, Azizan- Universiti Sains Malaysia, Malaysia
Moharrer, Masoomeh- University of Shiraz, Iran
Olya, Hossein- University of Sheffield, UK
Othman, Nor’ain- Universiti Teknologi MARA, Malaysia
Page, Stephen- University of Stirling, UK
Papatheodorou, Andreas- University of Aegean, Greece
Pedro, Rui- ISMAT, CinTurs, Portugal
Pinto, Patricia- University of Algarve, Cinturs , Portugal
Prayag, Girish- University of Canterbury, New Zealand
Qeidari, Hamdollah Sojasi- Ferdowsi University Of Mashhad, Iran
Rasoolimanesh, Mostafa- Taylor’s University, Malaysia
Rastegar, Raymond- University of Queensland, Australia
Ratz, Tamara- Kodolanyi Janos University College, Hungary
Reisinger, Yvette- Gulf University for Science and Technology, Kuwait‬‬‬
Serra, Jaime- University of Évora, Cidheus, Portugal
Seyfi, Siamak- University of Oulu, Finland
Shahvali, Mojtaba – Breda University of Applied Sciences, The Netherland
Sharifi, Mohammad- Art University of Isfahan, Iran
Smeral, Egon- Modul University, Austria
Sonmez, Sevil F.- University of Central Florida, USA
Sthapit, Erose- Haaga-Helia University of Applied Sciences, Finland
Taheri, Babak- Heriot-Watt University, UK
Taillon, Justin-Texas A & M University, USA
Tsartas, Paris-University of the Aegean, Greece
Vadell, Joan B. Garau-University of Balearic Islands, Spain
Vafadari, Kazem- Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific, Japan
Wen, Jun- Edith Cowen University, Australia
Zangiabadi, Ali- University of Isfahan, Iran
Zargham, Hamid- University of Allameh Tabataba’I, Iran

Past conference

A conference without presentations that ended up with a number of promising papers. This conference that aims to approach researchers have had unforgetable social moments and a very productive agenda with 7 mentors all of them journal editors, 2 keynote speakers talking about the process of review and the art of be recognized in the academia, that benefited the 40 participants from the five continents. During the conference it was possible to developed topics such as: hotel reputation, hospitality, night tourism, e-wom, loyalty, cinema, sustainability, cooking tourism, tourism innovation, hotel coopetition, tourism for kids, sharing tourism, cultural innovation, tourists, infrastructures and networks. The social moments included a cooking experience in a Michelin restaurant, a gala dinner at one of the best palaces in Viseu and a walking tour in Viseu an heritage city. At 8th march we celebrated the women day with a workshop where only women were allowed to enter in to share experiences. The conference ended with the awards that comprised a free registration for all the members of group awarded with the first place with the publication or prove of the acceptance of the paper and 50% discount for the participants that proved that they have been accepted or have had published the paper in progress developed in the ResNet.

The papers in progress awarded were : Forgotten hosts in cultural destinations, information as a moderator of length of stay, and The influence of travel and accommodation legislation on sharing economy.

Serra, Jaime (2019): International research networking conference for hospitality and tourism, Anatolia, DOI: 10.1080/13032917.2019.1624399
